I’m Bonface. I was born in the in the Soweto Slums in Nairobi, Kenya. I got raised by my mom and received a certificate on community development from the Kenya College of Accountancy (KCA) in 2015. I started to work as a sales person at farmers choice Ltd in 2016 and at the same time I was volunteering at the Soweto Youth Initiative in Kahawa Soweto Slum, where I got mentored when I was a young boy. My vision is to give back to the community and to help and to support the kids. Because of that I resigned later in November 2019 at farmers choice Ltd and started to volunteer full time at the Initiative. I am the one in charge of all the projects at the Initiative. My goal is too make sure that every child at the organization enjoys their childhood and gets a good life and a successful future.
I’m the right hand for Lea. My work is it to connect her with the children and later on bring them to school and support the families here in the Slum.