Our Food Program focuses on feeding children in the Soweto slum. As part of this, severely needy children from our sponsorship program receive school meals twice a week. It is important for us that every child gets the same chances and can participate in class well strengthened. A good education can only lead to positive results on the basis of good meals. As with our school sponsorships, it is important to us to leave some of the responsibility with the parents and hence we limit serving meals only twice a week. This year we were already able to provide 20 wonderful children with breakfast and lunch two times a week. The project has been very well received and the feedback from the school is very positive. The children’s concentration increases and they are more active in class. Our supported children have also achieved better grades on average, which we are also very proud of. The situation in the slum has worsened considerably due to the world situation, which is why more and more families are approaching us and asking for support.