


Birthday: 24.09.2009

Hi, my name is John, and I live with my father, mother, and two brothers. My father works hard in mining, while my mother engages in occasional casual work to support our family.

My biggest dream is to become a surgeon. I feel called to help others and improve their lives. My passion is football, as playing this sport brings me indescribable joy and fulfillment. My favorite color is orange because it represents vitality and optimism to me. I particularly value learning at school because I firmly believe it will bring me closer to my dream and make me a better surgeon. In my free time, I enjoy visiting the library, playing football, and listening to music. These activities not only bring me pleasure but also allow me to relax and recharge.

To send John to school and provide him with school supplies and uniform we request for 9,00 € per month (108,00 € per year). 

If you would like to sponsor this child, feel free to write your wish in the comments section. We can’t promise anything, but we will try to fulfill your wish.
