& become a part of our ULT-Family

Education is a fundamental human right and a key to overcoming poverty and social inequality. Especially for children from the slums in Kenya, access to quality education is often the only way to break the cycle of poverty and build a better future. With your support, we can give these children the opportunity to realize their dreams and create lasting change in their communities. Become a sponsor today and help us provide hope and opportunities!


At ULT, we see children in need of financial support to attend school. They dream big but need sponsorships to cover their expenses and supplies. With your help, we can make their educational dreams come true.


Thanks to ULT sponsors, these children can focus on their studies and thrive. They show great improvements in school and personal growth. Your support brings them stability and hope for a brighter future.


ULT graduates pursue higher education or vocational training. Sponsorship has empowered them to reach their dreams. Their success stories inspire us and show the impact of your support.


The sponsorship covers

School fees

Basic medical care

School uniform

Tutoring classes

School books

Food donations



Infórmate sobre nosotros y nuestro trabajo en Kenia

Read the information on our website and you will see that you can trust us. With us, the money reaches the sponsored children and we make sure that your sponsored child attends school.



Become a sponsor in minutes!

Up on this page you will find a donation form and further down a contact form if you have any questions. You can just put all your information in and become a part of our family. If you have questions you can also just contact us.

It’s really easy and your sponsorship can start in only a few minutes.



We bring your child to school & keep you updated

Our local staff will get in touch with your sponsored child and their family and deliver the joyful message. At the next possible time, we will accompany your child to school and pay the school fee.



Infórmate sobre nosotros y nuestro trabajo en Kenia

Read the information on our website and you will see that you can trust us. With us, the money reaches the sponsored children and we make sure that your sponsored child attends school.



Become a sponsor in minutes!

Up on this page you will find a donation form and further down a contact form if you have any questions. You can just put all your information in and become a part of our family. If you have questions you can also just contact us.

It’s really easy and your sponsorship can start in only a few minutes.



We bring your child to school & keep you updated

Nuestro personal local se pondrá inmediatamente en contacto con tu niño apadrinado y su familia y les transmitirá el alegre mensaje. En cuanto sea posible, acompañaremos a tu hijo al colegio y pagaremos la matrícula.

Donación adicional

9,00 € Con 9,00 euros al mes, tu niño apadrinado recibirá matrícula escolar, uniforme escolar, libros, atención médica básica, clases particulares y donaciones de alimentos si los necesita. Si quieres apadrinar a más de un niño, deja un comentario.

Cada euro adicional contribuye a la continuidad de la asociación y de los proyectos subvencionados. Nos alegramos de cada donación adicional y le damos las gracias de todo corazón.

¿Por qué sólo es posible un pago anual?

Hay dos razones para ello. Por un lado, en cuanto escolarizamos a un niño, tenemos que pagar directamente la totalidad de los gastos escolares y, a diferencia de otras grandes organizaciones, no disponemos de reservas para pagar por adelantado. Por otro lado, un pago mensual supone 11 veces más trabajo de contabilidad y, como queremos ocasionar el menor número posible de gastos administrativos, hemos decidido no hacerlo. Esperamos su comprensión.

Regala un patrocinio

Es una idea muy buena. Sólo tiene que introducir el nombre de la persona en el campo de comentarios y le enviaremos un certificado de apadrinamiento a ese nombre. Puedes imprimirlo y regalarlo.

Puede rescindir su patrocinio en cualquier momento, sin dar ningún motivo. Simplemente escríbanos un correo electrónico o llámenos. Terminaremos el patrocinio y le reembolsaremos el dinero proporcionalmente a los meses restantes del año.


Mia Quick

Godmother to Loise

“Estamos muy agradecidos de que Lea haga posible darles a los niños una nueva vida de una manera transparente, ¡que no se conoce de esta manera! Estamos felices cada vez con las actualizaciones y el desarrollo de la querida Loise. Aquí sabes al 100% a dónde va tu dinero. ¡Gracias, querida Lea y todo su equipo! "

Stefanie Hanssen

Godmother to children and organization

“Lea Kabitzsch ayuda a los niños de Kenia a convertirse en lo que quieren ser, ya sea chef, piloto, diseñador de moda o conductor de un camión monstruo. Frau Tonis Parfum apoya a la joven de 25 años en su gran misión. ¡Chapeau! "

Vi Anh

Godmother to Salome

“Admiro a Lea y su organización y todo lo que ya han logrado hasta ahora. Es conmovedor la cantidad de corazón y alma que pusieron en su trabajo y cuántos niños ya han podido dar un futuro mejor. ¡Estoy muy orgulloso de poder contribuir con una pequeña parte a esto! "

Pia Kabitzsch

Godmother to Precious & Stacey

I thought about sponsoring children in need for quite a while now, however not knowing if my money will really be used where it is most needed, made me hesitate. I am now “under Lea’s trust” and a proud sponsor of four beautiful children. The communication went smoothly and I received pictures of my children on their first day of school. I am telling you guys, nothing will make you more happy than seeing these children in their cute little uniform, overly excited to finally being able to attend school… thanks to you!”

Alexandra Winter

Godmother to Nancy Atieno

“After being in Africa for tree months, also visiting the Kenyan Slums and getting to know the reality and conditions of life there, it is the best feeling to help those people. Especially those who need our support the most. Helping the kids with sponsorships to go to school and make their better life gives me hope and happiness that everyone of us can make this world a little better. Luckily UNDER Lea’s TRUST makes it possible in a beautiful transparent way and I am grateful to be part of it.

Virginia Hartwig

Godmother to Angel Nauru

“When I heard about Lea`s project I instantly knew I would want to support it. One can notice how much love and effort she continuously puts into it and it was heartwarming to see her bring those children to their first day of school with all the excitement and nervousness in their faces. I trust Lea through every step of the way and would totally take on another sponsorship. I`m beyond grateful that I could give Emma the opportunity to continue school because she deserves it, like every child.”
