In the last newsletter we told you about the sad fate of Gabriel and his family. This month we can share great news about our reconstruction project with you! Lea and Annika participated in the reconstruction project together with the high school students and the volunteers on site and told us enthusiastically about the smooth progress.


The high school students from our school sponsorship program were involved from the beginning. We discussed with them what we were going to do and how our plan could be implemented. They received a safety briefing so they could protect themselves from the dangers that exist. On day one, the electricity was first professionally cut off by a specialist so that safety is always ensured while working on the property. For this reason, after the burned house was first demolished, it was thoroughly cleaned up and the ground was cleaned so that no pollutants from the ashes remained. These could otherwise be inhaled by our helpers and later by the family. At the end of the day, the wooden beams were delivered. We then needed these on day two.

Our great ULT Happy CLUB Team

Construction side

At the beginning of day two, we increased the buildable portion of the lot by removing a mound of dirt from part of the lot. This created more space for building the house so that the lot could be fully utilized. Then, together with the craftsmen, holes were dug in the ground to build the basic framework of the house using the wooden beams delivered on the first day. The children actively helped with this. As on the first day, we all had lunch together, which strengthened the cohesion of the group and also allowed for nice and interesting conversations. The houses in the slum are usually built of wooden beams. Iron sheets are attached to these wooden beams as walls. This is the best option in the low price segment in the Kenyan climate.
On the third and fourth day, the craftsmen finished the house. However, more iron sheets had to be reordered because we had originally expected less space. So the family is getting a new and bigger house!

At the beginning of the reconstruction, we had not yet collected all the money in donations that we needed. However, for reasons of urgency, we have already started the construction. We are grateful to have received more donations for the reconstruction after the report in the last newsletter.


In order to inform you transparently about the composition of the total costs, we present the cost breakdown. The capping of the electricity has caused costs in the amount of 500,00 KSh. In total, we needed six cut wooden beams, which cost 1,200.00 KSh. In addition, we installed 124 more wooden boards at a cost of 3,720.00 KSh and covers at a cost of 1,200.00 KSh. Also, hinges worth 260.00 KSh and door bolts worth 900.00 KSh have been installed in the house. We needed doors, which amounted to a cost of 2,000.00 KSh. We had to spend a total of 9,000.00 KSh for the three craftsmen and an additional 1,500.00 KSh for transportation. The 50 iron sheets ordered initially cost 39,000.00 KSh. The additional ten iron sheets ordered later cost 7,800.00 KSh. We had to buy a total of about 18 kg of nails, which together amounted to KSh 3,960.00 in expenses. We also needed numerous roof beams for which we paid 11,900.00 KSh. We incurred expenses of KSh 2,400.00 for the communal meal on day one and two. In the end, the reconstruction cost us 85,340.00 KSh, which is the equivalent of 720 €.

Together we made it possible

Final result 🙂

We are very happy that thanks to the ULT Happy CLUBs we were able to realize this project and provide a family with a roof over their heads again.
Currently, the family is not yet living in the house, as furniture and furnishings are missing. ULT wants to help, but never replace the complete personal responsibility of the residents. Therefore, ULT financially supported the construction of the house, but did not cover the entire costs and was solely responsible for the renovation. Since Gabriel and his family have not yet been able to buy the complete furnishings, they will continue to live with their friend for the time being. However, we very much hope that they will soon be able to move into their new home.

ULT Happy CLUB monatliche Erfolge

The ULT Happy CLUB is designed to ensure a full meal every Saturday for approximately 100 more children. The Food Program was originally designed for 250 children. Due to the worldwide influenced economic and social crisis in Kenya, the food shortage and poverty has increased. For this reason, the Food Program is experiencing higher crowds every Saturday, resulting in higher costs. The ULT Happy CLUB is intended to fill this gap temporarily and to cope with the current situation. In the meantime, some children had to go home sad because they did not get a meal anymore. The money of the food program was no longer sufficient for the large number of children. We are grateful that we can now again see only joyful faces on Saturdays, since we can feed all the children.
We can now temporarily provide 350 children with lunch every Saturday and hope with new members to be able to stabilize the situation in the long term.

OUTLOOK October 2022

Lea back in Germany

On 02.11.2022 fliegen returns after 1 ½ months back to Germany. The time on site was wonderful, exciting and stressful. Lea was able to advance and support many projects, such as the school construction and the Ernährungsprogramm. Most of all she will miss the shining eyes of the children. Lea brings us all great things from Kenya: new energy, new ideas and a lot of drive!

Lea flying home

Giving Tuesday

On 11/29/2022 the “Giving Tuesday” will take place. Also this year we would like to use this day to start a big appeal for donations for our projects. We would be happy if we could collect as many donations as possible for our children in Kenya together with a company on this day. You know a company that fits to us? Then please contact us!

help us! 🙂

So happy we found you!

Induction of new team members

In the last newsletter, on our website and on social media we actively searched for new volunteers. We are very happy about the numerous requests! We have now decided to accept three of them directly into the team. Rilana, Pauline and Philipp are a great fit for our team and we are really looking forward to their induction. It will be great! We are excited to see if the team will grow even more.

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