
Yvonne Ngendo


Birthday: 18th of July 2011

Hi, I’m Yvonne Ngendo, a 13-year-old girl born on July 18, 2011. I live with my aunt in the Soweto Slums in Nairobi, Kenya. My aunt does casual jobs to provide for our family. My parents divorced four years ago, and that’s when I started living with my aunt. There are no cases of violence or alcoholism in our family or neighborhood.

My dream is to become a footballer because I enjoy interacting with other athletes from all over the world. I love watching movies and running the most. Red is my favorite color because it looks smart on dresses. What I like about school is learning new things and interacting with my classmates.

To send Yvonne to school and provide her with school supplies and uniform we request for 9,00 € pro Monat (108,00 € pro Jahr) 



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