
Dorcas Wambui


Birthday: 16th of April 2008

Hello! I’m Dorcas Wambui, a new student in Form 1, born on April 16, 2008. I currently live with my Aunt, who works hard in casual jobs to provide for our family. Unfortunately, my parents separated two years ago, and due to financial constraints, my Aunt graciously took me in.

Thankfully, there are no cases of violence or alcoholism in our family or neighborhood. As for my dream, I aspire to become a lawyer to ensure that justice prevails. I believe in standing up for what is right.

Swimming is my absolute favorite activity, and I find joy and relaxation in the water. Pink is my favorite color because I find it beautiful and charming. School is a place where I can interact, learn, and grow, and I am excited about the opportunities it provides for my future.

To send Dorcas to school and provide her with school supplies and uniform we request for 9,00 € pro Monat (108,00 € pro Jahr) 

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