Armin Karisa

Armin Karisa


Birthday: 20th of September 2003

Hey there! I’m Armin Karisa, and I’d love to share a bit about myself and why I’m seeking someone to support my education.

I have my birth certification, am 20 years old, born on the 20th of September 2003 and I find myself in Form 3. Unfortunately, I had to drop out of school because my father wasn’t taking care of me. The last time I saw my mom was in 2011. My dad got married to another wife, and she treated me in a very bad way, even bullying me. Currently, I’m living with my aunt due to a lack of money that forced me to drop out of school. I’m constantly searching for casual work, striving to find a way back to school. My father is still living with one brother and one sister, while my aunt is currently without work.

Despite the challenges, my dream is to become a chef and cook for hotels. I have a passion for cooking! I also love going to the beach and swimming in the ocean. What I liked about school was the unity – we always stuck together and helped each other. I enjoyed learning and have a strong desire to see my friends and teachers again. Going to the library and reading books were some of my favorite activities.

I’m hoping to find a sponsor who can help me pursue my dream of becoming a chef and overcome the challenges my family faces. With your support, I can work towards a brighter future. Thank you for considering being a part of my journey!

To send Armin to school and provide him with school supplies and uniform we request for 9,00 € pro Monat (108,00 € pro Jahr) 

Armin Karisa

Armin Karisa

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