


Birthday: 28.10.2007

Hello, my name is Viona and I live with my mother and my four siblings. My mother works odd jobs to provide for us and meet the needs of our family. My father passed away three years ago and since then my mother has been looking after us on her own.

My dream is to become a doctor. I want to treat people and help them get better and save lives. I love playing soccer and dancing – I particularly enjoy doing that in my free time. My favorite color is red because I really like this color on my clothes. At school, I particularly like math and biology. I enjoy learning and look forward to achieving my goals.

To send Viona to school and provide her with school supplies and uniform we request for 9,00 € per month (108,00 € per year). 

If you would like to sponsor this child, feel free to write your wish in the comments section. We can’t promise anything, but we will try to fulfill your wish.
