


Birthday: 07.07.2008

Hi, my name is Susan and I live with my mother and siblings. My mother works casual jobs to support our family. My parents have separated and we now live without my father.

My dream is to become an engineer because I am interested in technology and innovation and I like to find solutions to solve problems. In my free time I like to sing, it’s one of my greatest passions. My favorite color is blue because I find it very beautiful and calming. What I particularly like about school is that it prepares me for a better future and helps me to further my education.

To send Susan to school and provide her with school supplies and uniform we request for 9,00 € per month (108,00 € per year). 

If you would like to sponsor this child, feel free to write your wish in the comments section. We can’t promise anything, but we will try to fulfill your wish.
