


Birthday: 01.01.2015

Hello, my name is Simon and I live with my mother, father and sister. My mother is a housewife, while my father does odd jobs to provide for our family. I am grateful that my parents live together and take care of us.

My dream is to become a pilot. I want to explore the world and get to know different cultures – that would be an exciting and fulfilling experience for me. In my free time, I love reading stories and watching cartoons. My favorite color is blue because it reminds me of the sky that I want to see above the clouds one day. At school, I especially like math and English because they help me learn a lot and prepare me for my dream.

To send Simon to school and provide him with school supplies and uniform we request for 9,00 € per month (108,00 € per year). 

If you would like to sponsor this child, feel free to write your wish in the comments section. We can’t promise anything, but we will try to fulfill your wish.
