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Lucyta Nduta


Birthday: September 15, 2011

Lucyta Ndunta is 12 years old and was born on September 15, 2011. She lives with her mother and two sisters. Her mother supports the family through casual jobs. Her parents are separated.

There are no reports of violence or alcoholism in the family or neighborhood. Lucyta dreams of becoming a farmer because she loves agriculture. In her free time, she enjoys reading storybooks. Her favorite color is blue because it’s beautiful. At school, Lucyta likes reading. She hopes for a school sponsorship to continue her education and pursue her dream.

To send Lucyta to school and provide her with school supplies and uniform we request for 9,00 € per month (108,00 € per year). 

If you would like to sponsor this child, feel free to write your wish in the comments section. We can’t promise anything, but we will try to fulfill your wish.
