
Abigael Wanjiku


Birthday: 2nd of January 2011

Hi, my name is Abigael and I live with my mother and three siblings in the Soweto slum in Nairobi, Kenya. My mother does odd jobs to support our family. Unfortunately, my father is already dead.

My dream is to become a doctor. When I see that my mother is ill, I get very worried and try everything I can to help her. My favorite color is green because it is the color of beautiful landscapes. I like to sing in my free time. I love going to school because I learn a lot of things there to become a good person.

Um Abigael zur Schule zu schicken und sie mit Schulmaterial und Uniform auszustatten, bitten wir um 10,00 € per month (120,00 € per year). 

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